Important Dates:
March 1st - Cinderella Tickets on sale! Cash or check purchase during studnets classes or credit debit/card purchase on our website.
March 15th Recital Costume Picture Day! Photography: Ben & Bella Photography. *Students will receive a scheduled time to arrive at the dance studio (dressed in costume, hair and makeup) for their individual and class photos. No purchase necessary. Parents will receive an email link after the photo shoot to view and purchase any photo packages if desired. Please note that the photographer does not permit cell phone photography during the photoshoot.
March 17th St. Patrick's Day Wear your favorite shades of green to class this day!
April 11-12 Mandatory Rehearsal for lead roles. Some class roles may also be called to one of these rehearsals. Details TBD
April 21st-25th DRESS REHEARSAL WEEK! Located at Agri-Civic Center Albemarle, NC. Regular classes will NOT be held at our studio locations. Your rehearsal on the stage will act as your "class" during this week. Attendance mandatory to permit students to perform. All students will rehearse on stage in their costume at scheduled times. More information closer to date.
April 26th - 27th RECITAL!
Located at the Agri-Civic Center Albemarle, NC. Your child will be performing in one of the following showtimes unless communicated otherwise by instructor: 1pm Saturday, 6pm Saturday, or 3pm Sunday. Students will be notified which show they are performing in closer to date.
​No classes after recital - semester ends.